Profile banner for sirsmonk



Expert soul surgeon, Thanatologist, Noosphere explorer. Streaming times are usually between 5-10 PM AEST Monday-Friday and roughly the same on the weekends. Perhaps a bit earlier but that depends on what's happening.

About Me!

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My name is SirSmonk, I'm an Australian streamer from Queensland. I stream mostly Dead by Daylight but will also stream plenty of other games, even VR titles. If you have any suggestions for games you think I should play, please feel free to mention so in the chat! Streams are usually between 5-10PM AEST when ever I'm feeling up to streaming, don't have a solid schedule at this time. Your viewership is greatly appreciated, I hope to see you again in the future!


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All Donations are greatly appreciated, I don't really need them for anything but regardless I greatly appreciate every cent!


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Empty thoughts and bad DBD takes.


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My Discord is honestly just a mish mash of hellish shitposting and rambling. But I welcome you to join regardless!