Profile banner for superblake



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So I used to stream 6-7 nights a week. I'm not going to do that anymore. Do you still want to watch the streams? Go follow me on twitter. Click on the big TV and it will take you right to my page. I talk about games, streams, and a lot more fun shit there.
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No idea why anyone would give me money to keep doing this but please know something if you do decide to tip: I'm going to use it to buy taco bell and video games. Maybe I'll even use it to pay my rent. That'd be pretty cool, right? Yeah. That'd be pretty cool. I think it kind of sucks that most people don't stream or do something creative unless they can monetize it, pay for it somehow? But really the problem is the world we live in that requires everyone to be productive every single day just to survive. Man, it'd be cool to not have to struggle just to live and be happy. Anyway, I'd like some money please.