Profile banner for thatstrangewolf



Heyo im Cinder/Strange, I love streaming odd indie games or deep lore/ story games but i may stream whatever im into at the time as well. You want something to listen to in the background then im your wolf!

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>- **Hiya! I'm Cinder/Strange** I've always loved playing games for people and talking while doing it. I used to play games for my kid brothers when I was young and now im reliving it by playing games for all of you! >-I love chatting and letting my natural born stupidity go on full display! >-I Love games with Deep or complicated stories, I read visual novels and all lore I find in games. I also enjoy playing nice fun indie game more than the recent big titles most of the time
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>-**NO** sexist, rascist or homophobic comments! >-Be nice to eachother dont be a jerk >-Relaxing and chilling out is highly encouraged >-Talk to me! I love it
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