Profile banner for thunderrlol



thunderrlol streams Battlerite and Heroes of the Storm.

Panel Content
Hey! thunderr here. I'm 23 y.o living in Mallorca. I will dedicate most of my time in Battlerite to do educational streaming, rankeds and also some theorycrafting. I played **Bloodline Champions** competitively, went to DreamHack Summer 2011 and competed in lots of tourneys during that days. Good days.
Panel Content
Mi nombre es Jorge Romero, tengo 23 años y resido en Palma de Mallorca. He jugado competitivamente la mayor parte de mi tiempo, tanto en **Bloodline Champions* **, **CSGO* ** a nivel nacional y por último a **Heroes of the Storm* ** a un nivel decente en Europa. Equipos BLC: **x6tence.ESET** - Rave, Diablo, thunderr **Durus Novem** - Mayl0n, CrazyMcQuack, thunderr Equipo CSGO: **overGaming** - kalas, mirl0, peelk, weskerr, thunderr Equipos HotS: **ApHeroes** - Redx, Shad, Khren, Morden, thunderr **Team Nihilum** - AlexTheProG, r0llik, TazzDingo, stalk **Team ALTERNATE** - Shad, Redx, Alastor, Hydra, thunderr

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