
I try to get good at the strategy games I play. Mostly that's Fire Emblem right now.

Fire Emblem Accomplishments

Panel Content
When I play Fire Emblem games I like to play on the hardest difficulty settings and add self imposed rules on top of them. If nothing else is said, every strategical aspect of these playthroughs has been figured out by myself. I do not look up strategy guides and I don't really discuss strategy with other players (until I've played the game a lot anyway, I've only discussed strategy in Awakening and Conquest at the time of writing this). I do, however, look up stuff like growth rates, reinforcement data, etc. Furthermore, once I've "sufficiently" beaten a game (for Awakening this was after I beat L+ for the first time), I do watch streams and engage in minor strategy discussion. The games are ordered by their release dates, the entries under the games are ordered by perceived difficulty. The hardest one of these by far is my progress in Inexorable Onslaught, a super buff hack I'm working on for Awakening. Fire Emblem 5: Thracia 776 - [Blind No Healing (with slight caveats)/Capture Bait/Optional Chapters/Steal/Warp](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14UBAceZzDJFFKBXcH03bAuB_YPsviktJdTUO9XYlOcw) Fire Emblem 8: Sacred Stones - Blind Difficult No Healing From Any Source (No Battle Saves, No Tower/Extra Battles, Eirika Route) Fire Emblem 12: New Mystery - Reverse Lunatic/Classic [No Staves/Map Shops/Weapon Healing, Deathless Full Recruit, No Kris Past Prologue](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZzehBbZOwZw6PqWCvV3CKEP-7KvaQ2r) Reverse Lunatic/Classic [0% Growths (with Rainbow Potion and Bond Drop)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZzehBbZOwb4FtZ0zdHvkHc9lk9bDZ2S) Fire Emblem 13: Awakening - Inexorable Onslaught Hack Lunatic+/Classic - Reach Chapter 18 (will link playlist once I beat the full hack). Lunatic+/Classic No Staves/Veteran [(Full Rout except Ch21 Mires + No Nosferatu/ Sol/ Glitters/ Skirmishes/ Barracks/ Renown/ DLC/ Logbook/ etc and limited Merchants)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZzehBbZOwbElzNtdlvMhWLP0bOdUbSJ) Lunatic+/Classic Deathless Full Rout [(No Nosferatu/ Sol/ Glitters/ Skirmishes/ Barracks/ Renown/ DLC/ Logbook/ etc and limited Merchants)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZzehBbZOwYqymfDYwHIn0GozLTCGHXs) Lunatic+/Classic Resetless Deathless - [following KuroiTsubasaTenshi's route (260 starting Renown)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZzehBbZOwYD3USZh8fqVPHH_YNgAAvF) Lunatic/Classic No Promoted Units (Taguel/Manakete Allowed) (same extra rules as the ones above) Fire Emblem 14: Fates - Conquest Lunatic/Classic (No Royals/No Staves/Full Rout [+ some other stuff)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hWWo1ZZolOMZoNU3TPB43azHO7L6aW1Tfve9jfqHV18/) Revelation Blind Lunatic/Classic without staves [(and also more weird rules again)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HLVKTBHRh7RDmebChtAzyBkby1SOhBU72yaopftWXXI/edit) Birthright Lunatic/Classis [(No Challenges and limited My Castle)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VRgg3yJ-1inJaqFXm6Yjfe8G-K5suLiMdmawRfJhYgY/edit#gid=1855659808) Fire Emblem 16: Three Houses - Blue Lions Blind-ish Maddening/Classic, No Divine Pulse except Ch22, without most of the Monastery and Paralogues, [and some other stuff](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WFiPs5JX4TqNnTYytTpkJHrRWDCLKrG5VCOa-XJLal8/edit#gid=2121351784)

Chat Rules

When talking about Fire Emblem, please restrict yourself to talking about Awakening, Fates, New Mystery, Sacred Stones, or Thracia. I still want to stay as spoiler free as possible with the others. If I'm playing Fire Emblem: No Backseating in any capacity. Don't suggest plays, including telling me how you would have played something after the fact. If I'm streaming the game I'm probably okay with very general strategy discussion. "I think this character is good." is a general statement. "If you use this specific build on these two characters then you can much more easily beat this part of this chapter." is not a general statement, even though it is strategical in nature (rather than tactical). If you're not sure if a statement is general or not, just don't say it. If I'm playing Slay the Spire: Backseating within reason is generally fine, and usual courtesy is expected. (Ie. "I think this is good because ..." rather than "Do this.") If I'm playing another game just assume I don't want any Backseating unless otherwise indicated. Why am I so anal about this? A lot of (the vocal part of) the internet communities around strategy games tend to communicate with each other a lot, sharing/looking up strats, etc. Playing a strategy game entirely by yourself is a LOT harder than relying on strats that other people have found already. This is true even for highly tactical games like Fire Emblem. And that's what I want to do. *I* want to figure out the game, that's what's fun for me. I also generally try to use the hardest settings, and not having strats is essentially a difficulty setting. So then why do I stream this? I mean, I'm mostly not. The only Fire Emblem game I've streamed as of my writing this is my Awakening No Staves/Veteran playthrough and most of my New Mystery Staffless run. The reason I streamed those were really hard and I wanted to have proof than I did them. I have since realized that I dislike streaming and the verification obsession doesn't do me any good so I don't really stream anymore. That probably makes this panel useless.

Visual Novels

Panel Content
It's a little hard to say when I started reading VNs. My first was Clannad, which I started reading in 2013 and never finished but I'd say semiactively reading VNs started sometime in 2015. I have a [VN list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19Oj3PxGJGo9amwFy8Mq6dmMFPnfKm3wrszNX6UZm1gU) which covers most of the interesting things regarding my opinions about VNs. Mind that this list contains which routes I've read, so technically it contains spoilers as to what routes exist if you consider that as such. If you don't want that you can check my [list on VNDB](https://vndb.org/u122022/list?c=all;v=0;t=-1;o=d;s=vote). My Favorite VN is Dies irae. My Favorite Heroine is Ria from Kin'iro Loveriche.

Hendeca Corner

Panel Content
At this point more of a memory, Hendeca Corner was my first proper hard achievement in a videogame. It's a sequence of frame perfect and 2-frame window inputs. It is in certain ways a big part of my legacy within in the I wanna be the guy community. Click the picture for video Corners: 11 Deaths: ~90000 Hours: ~40 (28h of attempts, 12h of practice) Last Corner reached: 14 times Downlad: [https://www.mediafire.com/?gsbskso5hc3hsdk](https://www.mediafire.com/?gsbskso5hc3hsdk)

My games

A list of the public IWBTG fangames I made, the number in the parentheses are the difficulty I rated them. The elements of the list are ordered by how good I think they are. [I wanna rewrite (70/105)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/r2q7rokxfbv3lz1/I+wanna+Rewrite.rar) [I wanna be the Melon (111)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/dwo4p2lltbm53cq/I_wanna_be_the_Melon.rar) [I wanna Qubism (Avoidance)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/51lmn5bt5jxbyrq/I_wanna_Qubism.rar) [I wanna be compared (91)](https://www.mediafire.com/?izs94un6e4yfbzc) ____________________________________ [I wanna be the Libertine (134)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/vizilclsf2to3ad/I_wanna_be_the_Libertine.rar) [I wanna avoid the Needle Contract (89)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/7m5om5nk35w7c6r/I_wanna_avoid_the_needle_contract.rar) [I wanna beat the Spikes 5 (105)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/iai8y8w126dod30/I_wanna_Beat_The_Spikes_5.rar) [I wanna beat the Spikes 6 (130)](https://www.mediafire.com/?n6jnw12v6s6j7v8) [I wanna be the Wischtech (129)](https://www.mediafire.com/?4073ye8rdnr2l4f) [I wanna survive in Needle Dream (63)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/f4p677t2q9nckl2/I_wanna_survive_in_needle_dream.rar) [I wanna beat the Spikes 3 (81)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/vf0mmfo7i93p3jv/I_wanna_beat_the_spikes_3.rar) [I wanna beat the Spikes 2. (53)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/o271w2n275nj452/I_wanna_beat_the_spikes_2.rar) [I wanna beat the Spikes 4 (93)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/3phq08hci58s5m8/I_wanna_Beat_The_Spikes_4.rar) [I wanna beat the Spikes. (49)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/gw39e3h4l5cn2op/I_wanna_beat_the_spikes.rar) [I wanna act like a masochist remake (58)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/c4yhxu1t317ohkm/I_wanna_act_like_a_masochist_remake.rar) [I wanna beat the Spikes final: Deca Corner (140)](https://www.mediafire.com/?id40sdjcby16igt) [Hendeca Corner (400)](https://www.mediafire.com/?gsbskso5hc3hsdk) [I wanna act like a masochist (50)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/9v5u5zbx14qkyiw/I_wanna_act_like_a_masochist.rar)